EXPERIENCE SETS 1, 2, 3 & 4: our futures

Notice that presentations are an essential part of most assignments, necessary in order to receive credit for the assignment. That means you must build into your understanding of each one the idea that anything written is not all that is necessary to complete your work and to get credit for it. If an emergency or illness kept you from participation in presentations, to get full credit you will have to meet with three other students to share your work and their work outside class, and write up the experience and what you learned from it to complete the presentation portion and to get your grade. SO DO NOT MAKE OTHER PLANS FOR THOSE DAYS ON WHICH ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE: BUILD THEM CAREFULLY INTO YOUR SCHEDULE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM! 30 SEPTEMBER FOR TUESDAY’S SEMINAR, 21 OCTOBER FOR TUESDAY’S SEMINAR, THE WEEK OF 18 NOVEMBER FOR BOTH TU AND TH SEMINARS, AND THE LAST WEEK OF CLASS, 9 & 11 DECEMBER. Put these into your logbook from the beginning so that attending them will always be at the forefront of your term plans.

Reading, Writing, Assignment Schedule
Readings are of several sorts: some will be discussed in depth in class or section, some will help you with each assignment, some are background reading to enrich discussion and class experiences. You will need to faithfully complete all to do assignments well, especially the final learning analysis.


Tuesday, 2 September – Welcome to our course!
• Bring in as many course books as you have so far
• Bookmark the course website, be sure you are receiving coursemail
• Check out which section you are in and meet your TA
• Learn how to do Ass. #1: SEE COURSE SITE TAB: 1:MUSEUMS 
We jump right into the thick of it all! Today we will met each other, make some class buddies, learn about the books for the course, and think about how to use the course website. Katie, Sara, and Cheyenne will introduce themselves. We will talk about how the class is structured as a series of experiences. And we will start immediately with experience #1 – your museum visits and what to do! It all starts right away and you should make plans for museum visits NOW! 

Tuesday, 9 September – Women’s Studies, what is it about?
• Bring in our book-museum,  Pérez’ book, Chicana Art.
• You are encouraged to bring in laptops or other electronic devices. How will we use them in class?
• What is Web Action? How will we activate it?
• Check out  Pérez’ teaching site: http://ethnicstudies.berkeley.edu/faculty/profile.php?person=12
• Start finding the artists in Perez on the Web. Bring in an example to share.
Women’s Studies is a scholarly field, a range of feminist actions, a set of issues that matter to women, an analysis of power and knowledge, and an intersectional intervention into dominant social structures. Our class is an introduction into all of these, by way of engaging the interrelationships between Women, Art, and Culture. How will we use Perez to help us care about it all?

You should have started the museum assignment already, already visiting and doing what you can during these hectic first weeks of classes. But we will not meet this whole week to give you as much room to complete it all as we can!! The assignment is due TUESDAY 30 SEPTEMBER!

Tuesday, 23 September – Why is art a political issue at all?
• You should have read Freeland, Chs 4,5,7 by today and be prepared to discuss!
• Check out Freeland’s website: http://www.uh.edu/~cfreelan/ What sort of passionate thinker is she?
How will we activate web action to see how alive and dynamic women’s studies’ concerns are? That they involve people of passion individually and in groups? What is your stake in all this? How might it matter to you and to those you care about? You will be telling us about your museum experiences next week! Mentally prepare yourself to talk in class! Notice the Freeland readings for next week too!

Tuesday, 30 September – What counts as art? What counts as feminism? For whom?
• DUE ASS. #1: Museums & More: logbook 1 + hardcopy in class; electronic copies in TA dropbox
• finish up Freeland! 
Reports, thoughts, analysis of our first class experiences, the museum visits. What assumptions altered as you got involved here? What was surprising? What insights about feminisms emerged? What was new? What was exciting and fun? Where will this beginning take us this semester? What sort of journey have you begun? How will Freeland guide us? The more Freeland you have read, the better! 



Tuesday, 7 October – The F-word? Steps to taking Action
• Read Reed, Ch 3 & 4
• choose your 5th book with Thursday seminar group this week and make sure your EVENT is up and running!
• what else do you need to consider for Ass. #2?
These readings with Reed are the beginning of the experience that culminates in Assignment #2: your group’s event, flyer, and collective definition of feminism. What do we learn about Women’s Studies as we go about deciding on a fifth book? Why is feminism defined collectively, in our project and in the world? Each feminist speaks from several collective locations. What are yours? Which collective locations might matter the most to you? To people you care about? To people you don’t know? What does taking action mean in Women’s Studies?

Tuesday, 14 October – The Art of Protest
• Read Reed Intro, Ch 1-2, and look over the whole book as an event itself!
• Examine Reed’s book website: http://art-of-protest.net/tvreedhome.html 
• Check out his teaching site: http://libarts.wsu.edu/english/TV%20Reed.html 
• Look at his cultural politics resources: http://culturalpolitics.net/about 
What sort of “art” is protest? How do social movements create culture? Which social movements do you know the most about? Which ones would you like to learn more about? Which arts have engaged the feminist issues you care about most? How do you know? How is women’s studies involved?

Tuesday, 21 October – Raising our Consciousness: What is Feminism?
DUE ASS. #2: feminist event project elements & logbook 2
Everyone will say something today! Everyone should be in class today, working with their group, and talking about the experiences that coalesce around this set of projects. Prepare with your group before hand so that your group’s presentation will allow everyone to be introduced and talk about feminist process and CR, and discuss how definitions of feminism entail collective action. See the Assignment TAB 2:Event for specifics for preparation!



Tuesday, 28 October – self-aware, questing, problem-solving flesh
• Check out the art-activist online project on microagressions: http://www.microaggressions.com
• Butler, the whole book by now
• Note Butler’s description on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octavia_E._Butler
• Read about Earthseed on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthseed
Note the link there to an interview with Butler.
From the book: “We are Earthseed. We are flesh---self-aware,
questing, problem-solving flesh. We are that
aspect of Earthlife best able to shape God
knowingly. We are Earthlife maturing, Earthlife
preparing to fall away from the parent world.
We are Earthlife preparing to take root in
new ground, Earthlife fulfilling its purpose,
its promise, its Destiny.”

Tuesday, 4 November – Whose Worlds? Intersectionality and multiple identities
• Read Reed 5 and 8.
• Read two chapters from the book 5 you chose.
What connections do you make among your readings for this week? Art and social movements can speak powerfully about the worlds we live in, the differences among worlds created by uneven power and social structures, the forms of oppression and privilege that identities entail, and the histories in which some groups thrive at the expense of others. How does intersectionality help us understand these complexities? How do we live as individuals and as groups at the intersections?

Tuesday, 11 November – Altar, Alter – Self, Other
• Look at artists in Perez, Ch 3. Pick the artwork that speaks to you most. Read about it in Perez.
• Read Perez, Conclusion
• Read another chapter from the book 5 you chose.
Self and Other, Otherings of various kinds are political and power transactions with implications for social justice. Perez is interested in how people survive oppression through art and spirit, creating culture and meaning, and “politicizing spirituality.” What are the implications for intersectionality? What feminisms are vibrant here? How do your readings intertwine among art-activisms?

Tuesday, 18 November – Offerings
• Look at artists in Perez, Ch1&5. Pick the artwork that speaks to you most. Read about it.  
• DUE ASS. #3: Intersectional project & logbook 3;
Today we will learn about each other’s projects in a poster-session style event!



Tuesday, 25 November – NO CLASS but there is viewing to do online!
STEINEM & HOOKS VIDEO see link below (scroll down): this great conversation is all about just how feminism is for everybody. Be sure you have watched ALL of it by now! Watch it again and again! J
• Note hooks description on the Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_hooks 
• Her professional site: http://www.berea.edu/appalachian-center/home/faculty-and-staff/bell-hooks/
• Note Steinem description on the Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria_Steinem
• Her professional site: http://www.gloriasteinem.com

Tuesday, 2 December – Visions for Justice
• Look over any stuff in Reed, Perez, Freeland you haven’t gotten to yet
• If possible finish up your book 5 or at least read an additional chapter.
• Refresh your memory after having read Butler
What are all these books about now you’ve worked with both and done projects that tie you into the insights they want to share with us? How do they each speak to the idea that feminism is for everybody? What feminist worlds do they open? Which aspects of Women’s Studies do you glimpse from these? How do they offer versions of intersectionality, feminist identities, visions of social justice?

Tuesday, 2 December – Sharing Feminisms – LAST DAY!
• DUE ASS. #4: Final redrafted and edited version of your Learning Analysis: logbook 4 + hardcopy in class; electronic copies to TA – REMEMBER YOU WON’T GET CREDIT FOR ANY WORK IN THE COURSE WITHOUT TURNING IN LOGBOOK 4!
Our class will share learning analyses today in class. You must be present to get credit for this assignment!

Hear bell hooks talk about internalized oppression and Gloria Steinem agreeing and disagreeing with her about many feminist issues: a great conversation that illuminates a lot about the folks of the 70s women's movements. Enjoy! • You will want to have watched the WHOLE video by 25 November (and the Q&A at the end is really wonderful too!) Watch it again when you are writing your final Learning Analysis (which is Assignment 4).



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