group comes up with a single flyer prototype for the whole group and a single
written description of their event. EVERYONE must be present and participate in
the group presentation of these in the Tuesday seminar 21 October. Each group
submits these in hardcopy at the same time, Tuesday seminar 21 October
person will write up their own individual page of analysis on “who did what
work” in the group process and submit that along with their logbook 2 in
hardcopy at the end of the Tuesday seminar 21 October
In this assignment you
learn by doing it just how it is that our understandings of feminisms are
elements in collective action, theorizing, raising-consciousness (CR). You will
consider issues of conflict, different amounts of work and investments
involved, scheduling work and actions, all the inevitable elements of group
process and product.
This includes both group submissions and individual ones:You will find helpful hooks, Ch 2: “Consciousness-raising” and Reed, pp. 76-95 from Ch 3: “The Poetical is the Political” and online: Sarachild's "CR: A Radical Weapon" from Duke's Online Archive "Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement": CLICK HERE. Notice that you really have only TWO WEEKS TO DO THIS ASSIGNMENT! Activist actions often take place very quickly, and yours will be like that!
1) Getting the group on board, taking responsibility for participation. With the guidance of your TA your Thursday seminar decides whether to work on this project as a single group or divide into smaller groups each with its own separate event and flyer. Each group will create a real or imaginary feminist event and a flyer to mobilize participation in the event in which you explicitly include your group’s collective definition of feminism. Your TA will help you get started initially in the Thursday seminar, but THE WORK FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MOSTLY DONE OUTSIDE CLASS! You will need to learn everyone’s name (both first and last names and turn in a list of names individually at the end), get people’s contact information, find out when people can meet as one single group or possibly in several subgroups, and possibly some on email, phone, Skype or however. EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE somehow, and it is the responsibility of both the group and the individuals to make sure this happens. This may even include how to facilitate folks adding the class late, or people who are ill during this time, or any other reason for why people’s lives make collective work and action difficult. Does a single leader emerge? How does group work get organized and why? Who ends up doing what work? How does all this shape the event, flyer, and your ideas about feminism? All this PROCESS matters! How do people do this in a feminist way? How do you know? (Notice you will be writing all this process stuff up individually from your own Point of View and turning that in too! Be honest and analytical about how things happen and why! This is a crucial part of this assignment. This is an element of what feminists have called consciousness-raising or CR: how groups work and change each other in action together! Notice conflict and how it is addressed: addressing conflict matters more than erasing any conflicts.)
1) Getting the group on board, taking responsibility for participation. With the guidance of your TA your Thursday seminar decides whether to work on this project as a single group or divide into smaller groups each with its own separate event and flyer. Each group will create a real or imaginary feminist event and a flyer to mobilize participation in the event in which you explicitly include your group’s collective definition of feminism. Your TA will help you get started initially in the Thursday seminar, but THE WORK FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MOSTLY DONE OUTSIDE CLASS! You will need to learn everyone’s name (both first and last names and turn in a list of names individually at the end), get people’s contact information, find out when people can meet as one single group or possibly in several subgroups, and possibly some on email, phone, Skype or however. EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE somehow, and it is the responsibility of both the group and the individuals to make sure this happens. This may even include how to facilitate folks adding the class late, or people who are ill during this time, or any other reason for why people’s lives make collective work and action difficult. Does a single leader emerge? How does group work get organized and why? Who ends up doing what work? How does all this shape the event, flyer, and your ideas about feminism? All this PROCESS matters! How do people do this in a feminist way? How do you know? (Notice you will be writing all this process stuff up individually from your own Point of View and turning that in too! Be honest and analytical about how things happen and why! This is a crucial part of this assignment. This is an element of what feminists have called consciousness-raising or CR: how groups work and change each other in action together! Notice conflict and how it is addressed: addressing conflict matters more than erasing any conflicts.)
2) Come up with a group
definition of feminism and a group event that illustrates, shapes, or is shaped
by this definition. Brainstorm the perfect feminist event you would love to
create and participate in! It can be totally imaginary – something that could
never happen realistically – or it can be something you as a group actually
decide you could make happen here at UMD, and might even do! Some groups in the
past have used this assignment to jumpstart actual events on campus, SGA,
sorority, campus activisms, anything you are already part of and would like to
bring in. And other groups have loved making up something that would cost too
much, or include people not even alive now, or otherwise necessitate fictional
creation. As the group considers what to do, it should also consider what the group – not just some
individuals – think together is a definition of feminism. The definition
and the event should reflect each other in ways that seem exciting to the group
as a whole. What process did the group
come up with to make the definition and the event really collective and not
individual? How will you make sure you have really invested in this and not
just done the easy thing and let others take over? You may want to
brainstorm together or bring ideas as an individual to a group meeting. You may
want to troll the web for ideas and examples and models. What sorts of events have you attended, created, or heard about? What
understandings of feminism are illustrated by and shape these events? How can
you tell? (How this happens is what you will be writing up individually! Be
detailed! Think about this CR process!)
[Katie made a poster using this online application here: https://magic.piktochart.com/output/2827812-im-not-ashamed# ]
3) Put together one
group flyer for this event that includes a written out and explicit group
definition of feminism in its design and purpose. A single page flyer or
leaflet, or a single page brochure is what you need here. There are easy
templates for both on the web, and your group product can be more prototype
than absolutely final version, although nowadays these are pretty simple. It
can be done electronically or in a crafty way. In either case you want to have
an electronic version to hand in, although that can be a digital photo if you
go crafty. You will want at least one version of a prototype to bring to class
on the due date to show off and pass around for everyone to see. Find out who
in the group already knows how to do this and have them teach everyone else. Or
DIY looking on the web for help and advice. For example: http://feministcampus.org/start-a-group/binder/ Doing this will require thinking about who the event is for, how will you contact
those people and get them on board, how does the definition of feminism play in
role in all this, how large the event is, whether a flyer or leaflet or a
brochure is better, what will catch people’s eye and so on. How will this fit
into all the publicity plans for your event? Where will you distribute the
flyer or brochure and how? If on campus, what are some good locations? You
will need to answer these questions in your description, next:
4) As a group you will
turn in a single one-page description of your event in addition to flyer or
brochure. Included also will be the group’s explanation of how the event
shapes and shaped by your group’s definition of feminism. Explain why this
event, what will happen and how, what sort of experience it will be, who would
be involved, how the event will be advertised and how the flyer achieves this. How expensive would such an event be? What
resources would it require? How will this get written up and by whom?
5) Everyone in all the
groups will present on 21 October! BE SURE YOU ARE PRESENT IN CLASS! YOUR GROUP
will introduce themselves by first and last name. You should know first and
last names of everyone in your group too! Everyone in the group must say
something to the whole class. Each group should briefly: give the group’s
definition of feminism, describe the event, describe how these connect,
describe the flyer and publicity, describe group process, name some insights
into CR or feminist process that came out of the project. Do this quickly but thoroughly! Give some great details but have it
planned out so we can get through all the groups in one class period!
6) Individually you will
turn in a page of writing on who did what work and offer your own thoughtful
analysis of it all. (This together with logbook 2 of course). While working
together and reading about CR in hooks, Reed, and online (you might look around
for additional stuff too), consider how this project gives you some insight
into the issues raised in these. Especially
consider the issues of process and consciousness-raising. How does this affect
everyone’s thinking about feminism? What does it take to create a feminist
process as well as a feminist event as well as a feminist definition of
feminism? Be sure to know everyone’s first and last names, list all these
on all materials, and discuss in detail
who did what work, how the group conducted meetings, who could meet when and why,
what sorts of conflicts or just differences if any emerged and around what
issues. What work did you do in particular and what role did you play in the
group? Write this out carefully and thoughtfully. As appropriate include
footnotes and bibliography when you paraphrase or quote someone else’s words. (This
is essential in all college papers by the way.)
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